- “Working-class Latino hood, crossed with crazy artist, crossed with left-wing radical,” so the legendary underground cartoonist Spain Rodriguez is described in this intimate portrait by his wife, Emmy-nominated filmmaker Susan Stern.
- 这部独特的音乐会电影将获奖作曲家罗伯-加德纳的音乐首次搬上大银幕,观众可以看到一个新的管弦乐和新的独奏家表演的作品,堪比亨德尔的“弥赛亚”和莫扎特的“安魂曲”。见证从未见过的“上帝的羔羊”。
- Istanbul is under quarantine. Felek and Kerim find the best way to make profits in this period. They will access people's computers and introduce themselves as government officials, making them confess their "crimes". However, the city in question is Istanbul and all kinds of people live here.
- 恰逢TME live一周年之际,腾讯音乐娱乐集团(TME)与日本老牌唱片公司Being达成版权战略合作之后,首次推出线上演唱会。 此次演唱会邀请到了日本国民级时代歌姬女歌手仓木麻衣领衔开唱,与植田真梨惠、all at once共同献唱20首经典歌曲。其中,作为平成时代三大歌姬之一的仓木麻衣,在日文版画心——《儚さ》里大秀海豚音,将她无可挑剔的唱…
- A teen girl who's forced to share her bedroom with her Grandmother, who has dementia, goes from hating her to loving her as she learns more about some family secrets..