搜索 Suan

  • Star Boys is a story of two families being torn apart by disintegrating moral values when the sexual revolution arrives at a conservative and religious small town in Northern Finland. The film takes us inside the lives of two families through the eyes of the children, 13-year-old Star boys, forced to observe from too c…
  • John teaches spanish in Taiwan. And he is Korean. He wants to help students to communicate better. But ironically he himself is poor at communicating. He always has hard time to get along with others in daily life. One day, he realizes that he doesn't like talking with others but talking to himself. So he gets confused…
  • 电影
  • 令人惊叹的音乐童话故事“这部歌剧将给予少年儿童听众一个美好的契机来发现新奇的当代音乐”摘自2011年2月12日,瑞士《公正快报》,乐评家:Fabrice DuclosL'émerveillement d'un conte musical"Ce spectacl e aura fourni aux jeunes auditeurs une jolie occasion de découvrir la mu…
  • 终于受不了丈夫的暴力相向,妻子抱着受伤的六岁女儿,满脸鲜血、鼻青脸肿地跑入警局求援。她要的不多,只求一纸判决伸张正义,可是比起家暴的皮肉疼痛,冗长官僚的菲律宾诉讼体系,更如心灵凌迟,令人绝望难忍。司法非关真相、非关正义,只关乎哪一方更能在法官面前舌粲善辩、搬弄法条。然而无论加害方或受害方,都将在这场为求胜诉、投注大量时…
  • 电影动作
  • 电影
    Whilst growing up in rural Thailand, a young orphan girl is taught the ways of magic by her grandmother. But when grandmother falls sick, Dau is lured to Bangkok to find work so that she can buy medicine. She finds herself working in a go-go bar, and her journey from naiveté to maturity is swift. She uses the magical s…
  • 电影战争
    16世纪,阿育达耶王国的国王Maha Thammaracha的儿子Naresuan被抓到Hongsawadee作为了人质,并在那里成长。1571年回到故土的Naresuan凭借他出色的领导能力打下了阿育达耶王国新的基石。但是Hongsawadee的新国王Nandabayin虎视眈眈的注视着Naresuan,并想除掉他。1590年,Naresuan父王去世后顺利的登上了王的位置,并宣布阿育达耶王国…
  • 在本电影里描绘了惨痛的美越战争。 透过“燃烧土地战略”美军迫使北越军走进生存的边缘上, 但是越南人在他们的领导带领下,靠着信念和精神在战事里争取胜利...