- The playfully documented grand finale of Toomas Hendrik Ilves’s 10 years as president. “I was a pretty crazy president” – that's what Toomas Hendrik Ilves said about himself. And it's true. A man who, as an intellectual, reads kilometres…
- This is the fourth film in The Sugar Creek Gang series. The gang races through the swamp only to stumble upon previously unexplored territory that leads them right into the middle of a mystery. As if the puzzling new discoveries aren't enough, Poetry's lamb causes mischief in the schoolhouse and gets everyone into hot …
- フリーライターの尚子(片平なぎさ)とカメラマン・克也(船越栄一郎)は、取材で四国・丸亀へ。着いた夜、2人の入ったうどん屋の主人・岡村が路地で殺される。居合わせた2人は「レオの・・・ネコ」のダイイングメッセージを聞く。警察の調べで、事件の前日に岡村を訪ねてきた元旅役者の錦四郎(菅原文太)に容疑がかかるが・・・。