搜索 Suh

  • 故事讲述的是一个12岁的小孩喜欢一个成年女子,在一口井前许愿成为大人。然而成为大人后,却依然是小伙子心智,但恰恰是小孩子的心智,让他获得成功,让他家里渡过了难关,并与爱慕的女子在一起。而在去教堂行礼那一刻,由于许愿时出的一个小小的失误,他变回了小孩子,这真是晴天霹雳。无奈,写了一纸条给穿着婚纱的女主角,然后悲阙离去。然而…
  • The Great White Tiger Platoon was part of the Aizu clan's last ditch efforts to stop the advance of Imperial troops after the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Meant to be a reserve unit as it was made of the young, 16-17 year old sons of Aizu samurai. Their story is one of the great tragedies of the Boshin War (1868-186…
  • Four directors trying to capture simple yet quintessential experiences of a single individual in different periods of his life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. The four loosely related segments form a single interwoven narrative, where each one of the depicted events provides reference points for the oth…
  • 我们跟随着巴松和贝桑格在苏门答腊的“十二山”国家公园里割胶,两人谈到多少橡胶树应该被采集和因割胶而起的骚乱,学习字母表和拼写的过程。摄影机在导演和两个孩童的手间频繁移动。
  • 过去的总是美好的。「OVERLOAD」(超载)这部动画里,讲述了一位男子怀念着因为意外而逝去的爱人,经过长时间在太空的漂流之后,他终于又回到地球。因为一个无法解释的偶然,让他再次回望了过去。From soodaR_xx
  • 越战时期,美国位于华盛顿特区的石花园,葬着为数众多在越战上殉职的美国军人。《教父》《战栗游戏》詹姆斯肯恩饰演哈塞德军官,深信越战是一场打不赢的战事,相反的,士兵威洛一生最大的职志就是代表国家上战场,好好打一场胜战荣返家园。哈塞德没办法劝阻威洛把自己送到最前线,他唯一能为这个朋友做的,就是──拖延,同时鼓励他好好找回他和…
  • Hayat has come to Berlin with her husband Harun to provide a better life for their unborn child. All they have is a small suitcase and Hayat's nightmares of her life in Syria! In Berlin, they move in to the flat of Irfan, who is Harun's uncle. But Irfan's wife Gülsüm doesn't really like the idea of living with this Kur…