- Triads, Yardies and Onion Bhajees: Once Upon A Time In Southall is based on the novel The Stone Shiva by Manish Patel. The movie centres on the Holy Smokes crime syndicate and the real-life $6 million Heathrow www.molikan.com Airport robbery. It's a fight to the finish as the Asian Holy Smokes battle the Chinese Triads…
- 在风景秀丽,气候宜人的王冠市,即将举行神奇宝贝足篮世界杯比赛,届时,大批的观众和训练师会涌入此处,整个城市将会陷入一片欢乐的海洋之中。小智(松本梨香 配音)一行人正在前往王冠市的路上,旅途中,他们遇见了名为索罗亚的神秘神奇宝贝,它不仅能够幻化成人类的姿态,还能够通过心电感应和人类交流。小智和索罗亚结伴前行,哪知道王冠市…