搜索 Sung

  • Abby has not gotten over the tragedy of her father’s death or the dominatrix who killed him. His death left a permanent impression in her mind that men who love her will always abandon her. She is determined to discover the reasons for his…
  • 朝鲜战争期间,一支美国巡逻队在当地人的帮助下,炸毁了北方的重要桥梁
  • The war machine has turned the country into a battleground, transformed under the thunder of the cannons. Everything is silent, and the law of death controls the land. This history shows the hardness and cruelty of a senseless war with a realism, which does not conceal anything.—Ørnås
  • 本片及其制片方光辉影业(The Glorious Pictures)与华纳兄弟/DC漫画公司没有任何商业关联。《蝙蝠侠:骑士陨落》是由光辉影业通过CGI技术独立完成的饭制非商业电影。它将在摄制完毕后在YouTube正式发布,完全免费。(简介出自IMDb,豆友翻译)
  • 一个闷热的周日下午,已被家务榨干的老爸瘫软在沙发上,女儿雨赫却吵着要一起玩“飞机大战”。经不住纠缠的老爸忍不住责备了雨赫几句,午睡醒来却发现屋中不见女儿的踪影。焦急万分的老爸四处寻觅,终于在玩具房里找到了线索:雨赫似乎是被她的毛绒玩具们绑架了!进击的老爸能否成功解救雨赫?
  • 电影剧情
  • A lovely couple - Sun and Pear met in Nang Ta Kian Valley, but their love doesn't last long. Pear passes away and Sun have no choice but to leave Nang Ta Kian Valley for his new life.Two years later, Sun return to Nang Ta Kian Valley for research with his team of crews. He Brings along his new girlfriend - Noon and als…
  • 一群科學家發現由葛籮樹所結成的果實可治各種疾病,在長途跋涉尋找果實的旅途中,他們碰到了許多可怕的事情,最後他們進入了迷霧中,一片神秘的地域充滿著葛籮樹,這時出現了一位美麗的女子,拿果實對她來說似乎輕而易舉,這群科學家最後能否如顠呢?
  • 电影动作