- Hope Eternal tells the story of a Madagascan nurse working in a TB and Aids hospice in the Congo. When not in work, Hope helps trafficked street kids get well; she mothers them, houses them, teaches them, protecting them from sexual abuse. Hope collects the details of abuse stories for a Charity which we read about in …
- 某韩国小镇上,围绕着一家中国餐馆形成了武馆角,餐馆主人是年迈的前中国功夫教练——如今的武会社长。教授跆拳道的金馆长(申贤俊 饰)与教授剑道的金馆长(崔成国 饰)是一对天生的冤家,从事业到爱情无不针锋相对,日子在两家武馆的生源争夺战中平淡的过去,直到又一位金馆长出现——从武会社长处租到场地的功夫教头(权伍中 饰),两位金馆…