- David has already endured multiple unsuccessful attempts at detox, and his latest stay in a clinic ends with yet another dropout. Just when he finds a fleeting sense of freedom, his return to addiction is abruptly derailed when all the doors that once were open to him suddenly slam shut. Overwhelmed by debt, he loses h…
- 故事发生在静冈县沼津市海边的小镇、位於内浦的私立浦之星女子学院。在这间骏河湾一隅的小小高中里面,以2年级的高海千歌为中心的9名少女,怀抱著远大的梦想挺身而出。那就是,要成为闪闪发光的“学园偶像”!只要努力不懈梦想一定会实现──。现在只需要朝著那闪耀的目标,奋不顾身地勇往 直前就行了! 从此,少女们“ 大家一起实现的故事”(…
- Ching Roi Ching Lan (Thai: ชิงร้อยชิงล้าน), also known as Ching 100 Ching 1,000,000, is a Thai game show. It was first introduced in 1990. It is one of the most popular game shows in Thailand and has survived on screen until now. The…