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  • 电影冒险
  • 田园时代
    高岭村是粤西地区的美丽乡村,没有进行太多商业开发。 80后的张静是精明能干的外来媳妇,经营着村里为数不多的农 家乐。她一心想带领大家一起致富,把高岭村变得更加美好。 70后的秀清是种植农作物的能手,善良、忍耐、倔强,丈夫给 她留下一片荔枝林,目标很单纯,必须守着荔枝园,守着对丈 夫的念想。而90后的叶子是新来的村官大学生,怀着田…
  • A “double bill” of two Russian operatic masterpieces. Legendary bass Evgeny Nesterenko stars in the title role of Aleko (1892), an early work of Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), written the composer was still a student at the Moscow Conser…
  • Entertaining Vitaphone short has Dick Rich leading his band as a few other acts take the stage with them.
  • LONDON SYMPHONY is a brand new silent film - a city symphony - which offers a poetic journey through the city of London. It is an artistic snapshot of the city as it stands today, and a celebration of its culture and diversity.
  • A look back at the life and work of Alan Rickman, one of Britain's best-loved actors, who died in January 2016. Narrated by Sylvia Syms.据BBC Two官网消息,2017年1月1日,也就是Alan去世一周年前夕,Talking Pictures栏目将播出AR特辑,回顾他一生的经历和作品。届时,观众们将听到Alan在几段珍贵的访谈中…
  • 艾安妮是一个美丽而热情的年轻女人对她的激情性的工作作为一个高级妓女。她的生活陷入了混乱,经过一系列越来越令人不安的噩梦。她访问一个心理治疗师在努力尝试理解。这使她在黑暗和扭曲的旅程走向一个令人震惊的真相,她是完全没有准备透露。
  • Poet Michael Symmons Roberts explores the mythic afterlife of the 18th-century poet Thomas Chatterton. With access to rare documents and artefacts, and featuring a surprising interview with Queen guitarist Brian May, Michael explains how Chatterton's tragic early death in his London garret aged just 17 was immortalised…