- Mario Latona, (Frank Montero) and his crew are young kids with a passion for crime. Mario dreams of becoming a real gangster like his Uncle Frank, (Alfredo Nasti) an under-boss of the local mob chapter, but in order to do so he has to operate under his uncle first. Taking place in New York's,"Little Italy". F…
- 由Filmguru推出的爆笑新电影《888:疯狂公交车》,由风头正劲的搞笑演员Jazz主演,还带来了上半年大卖的喜剧《4G僧侣》演员组,更邀请了泰国白脸网红Thepphithakk,还有女星Tangmo-Pataratid,给我们上演了泰国公交车上的《速度与激情》。
- In a perfect, violent-free world, a young vagabond must decide between human decency or self-interest when it comes to the matter of assassinating three people and gifting their corpses to a powerful figure full of impossible wishes.