- Its protagonist is Jane (Jacobs), who finds herself tumbling through a gauntlet of surreal, beautiful and heartbreaking adventures. After dropping off her daughter at a summer camp for the first time, and encouraging her reticent child to engage in new experiences, Jane finds herself heeding her own advice.
- Four young students go to an abandoned building to broadcast to their followers. A prank done to one of them is the starting point to a story of horrors and ancient legends. From the winner of Best Film Award in Fantasporto 2021 with “Suicide Forest Village”, this is the latest feature from this awarded director, closi…
- The story revolves around Cathy, a determined 40-year-old sous-chef, who dreams of opening her own gourmet restaurant. As she faces financial difficulties, Cathy takes a job in the cafeteria of a shelter for young migrants. While she hates her new position, Cathy’s skills and passion for cuisine start to change the kid…
- 柯南在街头目睹一名正打电话的警察在雨中被射杀,忙将凶手追踪,但凶手逃脱。死者闭眼一刻紧抓左胸,似乎有所暗示。事后柯南从目暮警官口中了解到紧抓左胸是暗示那里有警察手册。不久又有警察手拿警察手册被人射杀于地下车库。对于这两起案件,目暮警官等人一反常态不愿向毛利小五郎及柯南透露太多信息。毛利不甘心进一步追问,白鸟警官只答一句…
- 本音乐纪录片聚焦 ONE OK ROCK 的乐团成员,收录近距离访问、气势恢弘的现场採排,以及演唱会精彩片段。\r\n 《掷硬币决定:ONE OK ROCK 线上演唱会实录》将于 10 月 21 日首播,Netflix 独家