- ThemoviepicksuprightafterScorpion’sRevengewheretheheroesareattackedbyShaoKahn,whichwillforce\"RaidenandhisgroupofwarriorsintoadealtocompeteinafinalMortalKombatthatwilldeterminethefateoftherealms.\"ThisforcesthegoodguystotraveltoOutworlddef…
- The large-scale textile artwork “Historjá” by Marakatt-Labba made a huge breakthrough when it was shown at documenta 14 in Kassel. The embroidery, depicting motifs from Sámi history, is also the starting point of Thomas Jackson’s document…
- Can you separate the art from the artist? Should you even try? While there are many people about whom we could ask those questions, none pose a tougher challenge than Bill Cosby.
- Aziz Ansari’s next stand-up special, Aziz Ansari: Nightclub Comedian, will premiere on Netflix on Jan. 25.
- Statement from the producers of Betty White: A Celebration, Steve Boettcher and Mike Trinklein: Our hearts mourn today with the passing of Betty White. During the many years we worked with her, we developed a great love and admiration for Betty as a person, and as an accomplished entertainer. We are thankful for the ma…
- A young girl is given a gift on Christmas Eve that causes her to embark on an unexpected adventure.
- Follows the story of Abu Zubaydah, the first high-value detainee subjected to the CIA's program, later identified as torture by those outside the agency.