- The movie follows two stories in a black ghetto of Landover, MD. 1. A school maintenance man and his family want to turn their 1000 pound pet pig into the Washington Redskins' mascot. But as soon as the pig receives local news and radio attention the story takes an unexpected turn. 2. Two nineteen year old best friends…
- 顶尖时尚杂志《First Class》编辑部内,女人们的Mounting之争如火如荼,而两位当家模特的战火也悄然点燃,来势汹汹。有道是冤家路窄,No.1模特MINA(佐佐木希 饰)遭遇人气飙升的最强挑战者ERENA(石田妮可 饰)。两个拥有魔鬼身材+天使面庞的绝世美女相对而坐,随意谈笑间杀机四伏。交火第一局,ERENA拿出甜点,谁知MINA毫不畏惧,慨然迎战…
- 在商业区衣服材料店打工的26岁女孩吉成千奈美,对时尚有着天然的热爱。偶然机缘,她经人介绍结识了顶尖时尚杂志《First Class》的主编大泽留美,并以实习生的身份进入了这个她梦寐以求的编辑部。然而时尚圈子光鲜的外表之下,弱肉强食的残酷性却是她所始料未及的。从冷峻寡语的主编到野心满满的肉食系猛女副主编八卷小夏,从靠关系混日子的海归…