- In 1947 Marcel Breuer, a leading figure of the Bauhaus movement, visited Argentina and designed The Ariston in the City of Mar del Plata. With the passing of time, the Ariston will be forgotten. The context in which it was created leads us to discover how Mar del Plata transformed into the dream city for Argentine fami…
- 故事发生在韩国首都首尔的黑石洞李顺财一家,儿子李民永(崔民永 饰)和媳妇申智(申智 饰)正式离婚,申智留下孩子前往俄罗斯进修,将房子租给同学徐敏静(徐敏静 饰)。民永在父母家过起偷居过程,后因申智在俄罗斯遭小偷变得身无分文无奈回国,并与敏静一同生活。民永的母亲罗文姬(罗文姬 饰)再次成了照顾孩子的保姆,并同时忍受丈夫李顺才…