- Today Is My Birthday is a very strongly autothematic work in which Kantor returned to the unrelenting memories of war, friends and family. It was the first time that Kantor referred so clearly to his paintings in his theatre. It’s worth mentioning that in the end of the 80s he worked mainly on figurative painting, crea…
- 長鏡頭拉開片場的殘酷現實,柏橋夢想成為出色演員,恰如劉青雲在《我要成名》裡飾演的潘家輝,對演戲抱著滿腔熱誠,卻懷才不遇。有天機會來了,副導找他演末期癌症病人。為求以方法演技投入角色,他竟裝病參加病友分享會,遇上了心悅,讓她誤以為同病相憐,然而美麗謊言總有被揭穿的一天……