- The story begins when quirky Lilith (played by newcomer Eva Luna Van Hijfte) meets the professional paranormal detectives known as the Ghastly Brothers at her new boarding school. Thrown into a world of ghouls and ghosts, she ends up immersed in her own haunted adventure, solving her personal problems and those of her …
- Childhood friends Tommy and Tuppence meet in London after having served in World War I. Recently "demobed", short of money, and with no job prospects, they decide to become adventurers for hire. Soon, they are employed by the British Government to locate a secret treaty signed before the war.
- 苏格兰女皇玛丽(1542-1587)在法国长大,直到18岁才回到苏格兰继承王位。然而苏格兰皇宫内充满着奢移的生活的无尽的阴谋。在复杂的宫闱政治斗争之中,她最初懵懂无知、直率固执的少女蜕变成为铁石心肠、权倾一世的真正女王。为了维护和扩张自己的统治地位,玛丽一边痛苦的嫁给好色的英格兰伯爵,一边很快与英俊阳刚的苏格兰护卫队长坠入地下情…