搜索 Tair

  • The incredible story of how Pluto has been propelled from an unremarkable ball of ice on the edge of the solar system to a world of unimaginable complexity - where some form of alien life might exist.Featuring first-hand accounts of the incredible discoveries made by New Horizons from many of the scientists involved in…
  • A race-against-time thriller that highlights the potentially darkest sides of the social media phenomenon. Jaded by the job of managing an LGBT crisis line, Simon (Corey Jackson) finds that most of his callers are using the service for reasons that would qualify as being certainly less than a crisis. That all changes w…
  • Lejeudusolitaire
  • From her bedroom window, Alli (code name "Frog") thinks that she has discovered the cover up of a serious crime. She is convinced that her new school principal has committed a murder, and she is going to prove it! When her best friend, Jane (code name "Wombat"), rejects this idea, a brazen Frog deci…
  • 电影
  • 尽管出生于保守刻板的天主教家庭,但心中不断涌起的异样欲念令乔治(露·杜瓦隆 Lou Doillon 饰)渐渐明白,自己注定不同于常人。在学校中,乔治爱上了年长的女老师,两人的爱情是那么的炙热和疯狂,但最终还是以悲剧收场。深受伤害的乔治无法忘却这段感情,自此之后,她穿上男装,出没于灯红酒绿之处,流连与莺歌燕语之中。灯红酒绿的夜场给乔…
  • 电影游戏
    两个私人银行家Alistair和Jamie,他们玩弄世界,喜欢和处于社会边缘的贫民玩一种12小时的幸存者游戏。他们的下一个目标是Sean Macdonald,一个无父无母的少年,他和姐姐住在爱丁堡的郊区。她负债累累,他前途堪忧。Sean为了钱同意了玩这个游戏。很快他意识到自己陷入了地狱般的12小时......
  • 电影生活