- Every evening, Brindone, a teenager, goes to bed before the end of the TV programs. Every evening, instead of going to bed discreetly, his big brother Musclor turns on the light in their shared bedroom to annoy him. Every evening the same routine. Brindone can't take it anymore.
- Lennox Crawford - the successful novelist - is stuck. Choosing to go on a writing retreat to discover some lost passion in the hope it will allow him to bring a major chapter in his life to a close; his novel series. However, as some chapters close, old chapters thought buried find a way back, bringing with it more tha…
- 十八年前的一段孽恋看似被淡忘,但随着一幅封尘的画作重现,和这段孽缘有关的人和事被一一抖出,引起轩然大波,一发不可收拾……尚谦与妻子锐婷由英国回流返港。谦是一名画家,出道十数载依然寂寂无名,得婷在旁督促,才未有放弃。画廊老板志浩是谦的好友,谦的一幅旧作被浩视为「沧海遗珠」,经浩大肆宣传,谦终于一尝成名滋味。这幅画作令谦回…