- 繁华大都会纽约,光影交错的人间乐土,相应有层出不穷的罪恶侵蚀着这片土地。小青年彼得·帕克(Christopher Daniel Barnes 配音)和唯一的亲人梅婶(Linda Gary 饰)相依为命,如许许多多美国青年一样穿行在繁忙的闹市街头。可就是这个平凡无奇的大男孩,却被一只受过辐射的蜘蛛咬中,继而改变了命运。在此之后,彼得发现他具有种种神奇的能力…
- IDFA DocLab Competition for Digital Storytelling The idea that nature and technology are incompatible is outdated. Nature is full of cultivated elements introduced to serve the needs of human beings. The nature around us is subjected to -isms such as anthropocentrism, colonialism and capitalism. Add to this new techn…
- Synopsis Alessandro Preziosi directs and stars in a new stage version of King Lear, in which the characters of the Shakespearian masterpiece move within sets entirely composed of works by the great artist from Biella Michelangelo Pistoletto. In this way, the interpretative space becomes a sort of gigantic and evocativ…