- Izumi, a student at Nagasaki University, has become friends online with Magda, a girl from Sitges, Catalonia. When Magda invites her to visit, Izumi uses the occasion to practice the language and visit some tourist spots, but she also has another purpose-to fulfill a promise to her dying father, who long ago had fallen…
- Reform schools are a way of protecting society by ridding it of lawless juvenile delinquents. But who's protecting the juvenile delinquents from corrupt reform schools? Rica (Rika Aoki) could be considered a bit of an expert on reform schools, having spent most of her early life in and out of them. When Rica is dragged…
- 1983年からTBSの2時間ドラマ枠『ザ・サスペンス』にて放映開始。のちに『月曜ドラマスペシャル』、『月曜ミステリー劇場』などで放映。当初は「名探偵金田一耕助の傑作推理」というシリーズ名であったが、ビデオソフト化された際に「名探偵・金田一耕助シリーズ」とつけられて以降はこちらが使用されている。 2008年現在、BS-iで再放送されてい…