搜索 Tane

  • 在波哥大,单身母亲兼律师西尔维亚卷入了一起腐败丑闻。更深的焦虑也压在她身上。她的母亲莱蒂西亚病得很重并面临死亡,西尔维娅开始了多年来第一次的爱情故事……
  • 主角耶利米的生財架生一頭牛和貨車給偷了。他找警察報案,其間發現一幫少年在密謀綁架一名少女Helena,而當中的密謀主腦就是村裏的富家子。貪污和貧窮、警察和無政府狀態,才是導演要講的故事。如果身為警察的審判者都貪污,正道何在?結果耶利米去教堂找神父,神父叫他找警察。耶利米說警察都找過,可是警察也勸他不要多事。神父叫他祈禱求神幫…
  • The father of a Finnish family visiting the crumbling Berlin Wall rescues a cute puppy, Stormheart, and takes him back to Finland as a pet for his daughters. No one in the family knows anything about the dog, not even its breed.Little by little, the mystery of Stormheart unravels, and the dog´s new owners learn more ab…
  • A magic adventure for children and adults. Because magic and enchantment do not have age. Rafael is a seven year old child madly in love with Martha Cecilia. He wants to see her up close without being noticed by her and takes off into the adventure of becoming invisible. Holding a scapular of the Virgin of Carmen, he f…
  • 《白桦树》(THE BIRCH TREE)的灵感来自一幅民间绘画,它讲述了一个美丽但虚弱的农家女孩Janica (Manca Kosir)的悲惨死亡,他与纤细脆弱的白桦树有着隐喻的关系。著名的克罗地亚摄影师Tomislav Pinter的精彩而美丽的镜 头。这是一幅充满悲剧、幽默和感情的农民生活的画像。
  • 放假前夕,阿里的暑假作業本被同學搶走,但他總把苦悶往肚子裡吞;從軍校返家的哥哥,決定跟父親攤牌,道出自己根本不想從軍的真心話;媽媽懷疑爸爸假借出差之名,其實是私會情婦。此時,剛硬的父親卻病倒了,這讓每個人的秘密與盤算,都不得不跟著轉念變質。靜謐的鏡頭語言,潛藏洶湧的角色內在,亦反應土耳其底層生活的社經現狀,是土耳其年度…
  • FC Venus is a romantic comedy about men, women and soccer.
  • This sensitive Swedish film follows a young boy on his rocky road to manhood. Sixten, a young teen, lives with his lonely father. Since they divorced, he seldom sees his mother who moved to Copenhagen. Because his father is lonely, and also over-protective of Sixten, the boy decides to find his father a wife. Using his…