搜索 Tane

  • 电视剧剧情
  • 社会高层
    詹苏(Hazar Ergüclü)和克里姆(Engin Ozturk) 是一对离不开的闺蜜。人在对钱这个东西面前无法对抗的诱惑,这一对情人另一方把钱放在爱情还高的地位。詹苏为了富裕生活而选择了一个不同的人生道路。为了富裕的诱惑,詹苏放弃的旧情人克里姆,选择了富裕家庭的麦尔达。
  • A reclusive young man and his sister live in a mansion, where the young man frequently hosts sex parties, which he watches in his room via a network of surveillance cameras. It is later revealed that he wants to have sex with his sister, which he eventually does in a consensual scene near the end of the episode.
  • 电影喜剧
    The story of the boy who, after the girl he worked so hard to get breaks up with him, goes on a journey to get her back and discovers on the way what he's really been searching for.
  • 电影剧情
    美丽善良但举止性格多少有点儿怪异的小夜子,和一群可爱的猫儿独自生活在近郊的旧宅中。她似乎天生就有招猫喜欢的气质,而她也如两年前去世的奶奶那样对这群可爱的小生灵格外疼爱。无忧无虑的小夜子,每日里将猫儿们装在小拖车内,便沿着河岸行走,边唱着独特的 “租赁猫”吆喝声。在这一过程中,她先后邂逅了家境殷实但孤独寂寞的老妇人吉冈寿…
  • Stephen Fry returns to his boarding school and befriends a new shy pupil, Bunce and helps him throughout the first term. Fry is often caned by his headmaster for visiting a village sweet shop, which is "out of bounds." On one occasion, Fry convinces Bunce to take the blame, but he cannot bring himself to lie …
  • 神秘地下爆发凶猛怪兽 洛杉矶的格里菲思公园,在1861时还是一个大牧场。唐的最好的朋友和一个贪婪的律师非法夺走了他的财产。在法庭争夺将失败后,唐发了一个诅咒,持续到今天。
  • 奇异的母子关系。母寡儿孤,母Marjo逾中年,儿Sami方少壮,母Marjo酗酒,儿Sami嗜药。母Marjo蝇苟酒中买醉,儿Sami狗且药里度日,两相混沌,伦常或许是可无可有的摆设。超乎之后,得到的是性福还是心安?时已四十八岁的Tarja Heinula饰演蝇苟母Marjo
  • 在孤儿院的三个孩子,阿里( Burak Hakki),艾泽尔(Yeşim Büber)和阿斯马尔(Saruhan Hünel)等三个好朋友年纪很小就某个原因分开了。20年后,命运使他们再次相聚,但他们各种环境下持续人生 。阿里是一名警务人员,艾泽尔是一名医生,那阿斯马尔呢?阿斯马尔经过了20年的孤独生活和苦劳,最终黑道世界崛起而当了有名黑社会老大,在江湖上…