- 女主从小家教严苛,一直被家庭管束,如今到了大学里学习,她以为可以获得了自由,然而却不料男主出现了。男主受到女主家庭拜托,要在大学里好好“照顾”女主。二人一开始矛盾骤起,互相看不惯对方,女主更是非常抗拒,但是经过了长时间的相处,抗拒化为了依赖,男女主之间也萌生了爱意。
- After years of painstaking research at the cost of his domestic pleasure, Dr. Dipankar Roy discovers a vaccine for leprosy. The news is flashed over television and overnight, an insignificant junior doctor receives international recognition. Professional jealousy and abuse of power threaten Dr. Roy, even as the Secreta…
- The film is adapted from a story called Hungry Stones by Rabindranath Tagore. A tax collector posted to a small town puts up at a mansion feared by the locals because it is haunted. As time passes he grows more consumed by the mansion and its air of romance, and the spirits that haunt it, especially a beautiful woman. …