搜索 Tavi

  • Debra arrives in Sicily with her boyfriend Turi. As soon as they arrive, the women of the village do not welcome her into the community, giving them to the witch, especially because of the black color of her skin and her great beauty. The "Turk", master of the sulfate and therefore powerful local who likes be…
  • When a young soldier leaves for a mountain biking excursion, he meets the girl of his dreams as well as a group of violent locals who want to see them dead at any cost.
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oktavijan_Miletićhttp://www.matis.hr/eng/vijesti_ostalo.php?id=1934The screening of the restored film Lisinski by pioneer Croatia filmmaker Oktavijan Miletic, at the Tuskanac theatre on Tuesday, marked World Au…
  • 电影动作
    但丁(Graham McTavish 配音)在35岁时,迷失于一个黑暗的森林。他竭力寻找走出迷津的道路,黎明时分来到一座洒满阳光的小山脚下。这是普照旅途的明灯。他正一步步朝山顶攀登,忽然三只猛兽(分别象征淫欲、强暴、贪婪的豹、狮、狼)迎面扑来。但丁高声呼救。这时,古罗马诗人维吉尔(Peter Jessop 配音)出现了,他受贝娅特丽丝(Vaness…
  • Bubu leaves his job in a bakery, forces his girl-friend into prostitution, and from then on lives out of the money she makes. The young couple find their place in the world of prostitutes and pimps, but the lack of perspective in their life - which is permanently haunted by the possibility of an incurable and fatal ven…
  • 寂寞难耐的幼儿园教师曼努埃拉与来自那不勒斯的法比奥相遇在意大利北部的小镇伊夫雷亚,那里正在进行为期两天的狂欢节活动。也就是在这橙子满天飞的时刻,一意要寻找乐子的法比奥与曼努埃拉一拍即合,开始了激烈的性爱关系。狂欢节结束了,他们也若无其事地分手了。
  • On the day of the biggest recital of her entire life, a 12-year-old string bassist has only one thing to do: practice. Instead, she tricks her mom into thinking she's practicing and sneaks down to Wrigley Field with the boy across the street. But, as she journeys from the safety of suburbia into the harsh realities of …
  • - The First Brazilian Film made for Children- based on the work of Monteiro Lobato, one of the best Brazilian writers ever- The story of the Brazilian folk character "Saci"- Screened at the Venice Film Festival in 1954This classic was the irst Brazilian ilm made for children. based on the books written by Mon…