- At the turn of the millennium, three real-life incidents shuddered the city of Pune in India. A group of rich kids in the city were caught in a marksheet forgery scam. A young call-centre employee was raped in a cab, in broad daylight. A mentally unstable driver drove his bus over 20 people on a busy road, in a fit of …
- Two westerners go to the tropical forest of West Papua. They live in a tropical forest with the indigenous tribe called ''Mek''. Those people live in huts and don`t wear clothes, but penis gourds. There`s no money and they don`t even know how to use it. The hosts - Mark and Olly try to live in a the way the tribe live …
- An eccentric photographer, his eager assistant, a jaded make-up artist and a bored model gather for a fashion shoot in a London warehouse. But when one of their number disappears, events take a turn for the bizarre. Beginning as a deft, low-key satire of the hipster fashion world, before continually morphing into somet…
- ExofarmhasanewCEO.ThenewCEOwantstocontroltheworld.Antboytriestostopherwithanewunnamedherowithskateboard.