- In ancient China, warriors from far away lands gather at the Shaolin Monastery, the birthplace of Kung Fu, to challenge one another in a legendary martial arts tournament. Each fights for their chance to claim the 'medallion of the Seeker' and embark on the Great Journey for the 'answer to all things.' On this journey …
- 拉比亚国际(Labia International)是科索沃地区的最后一个电影制片公司,这个完全由导演Ekrem Kryeziu一手组建起来的小公司在极度缺乏资金的情况下只维持了2年时间就关门了,从此因为战乱缘故电影制片几乎在科索沃地区绝迹。拉比亚国际总共只出品了三部影片,都为Ekrem Kryeziu编导,是他的“科索沃三部曲”,同时也是他最后的作品,他的影片尽…