- A detective leaves the force to take over the family business as an undertaker at the same time as he is being investigated for murder. His close encounters with corpses and his earlier police training lead him to see things some of his ex-colleagues miss and he investigates the crimes he encounters in an unofficial ca…
- 1912年,一艘名为泰坦尼克号的大船永远的沉没在了大西洋的最深处。1997年,一部名为《泰坦尼克号》的电影横空出世,赚取了足以淹没另一艘大船的眼泪。2012年,这艘大船改头换面,套上3D的外衣重回大荧幕,巩固了电影经久不衰的传奇地位。然而,对于大船的湮没,最伤感的永远都不是观众,而是一个躲在幕后,年近六十的男人——电影的导演詹姆斯·…