搜索 Tha

  • 电视剧历史
  • 蛟龙行动
  • 电影
  • 她们离开后,山里只留下了微弱的声响
  • 电影
    神秘的出租车司机陈铭生(邱泽 饰)与性格清冷的文物修复师杨昭(郎月婷 饰)偶然相遇,在一场暧昧、试探、你进我退的极致拉扯中,陈铭生渐渐卸下心防。在一次旅行中,陈铭生的卧底缉毒警身份暴露,二人的感情再次面临选择,这份汹涌悸动的爱能否抵挡住命运的捉弄?卧底缉毒警陈铭⽣孤勇奋战为国牺牲,又有多少⽆名英雄日日夜夜负重前⾏,守护着…
  • Tants, mis kestab
    This heartfelt documentary delves into the lively bond between Milvi, an unconventional grandmother, and her granddaughter Emili, a dedicated theatre student. Each Sunday, they gather for meals, watch sports while using the cozy apartment as their secret stage to sing and dance, knowing it’s just the two of them. Milvi…
  • 电影
    Fiction, documentary, filmed performance? Actor Ben Becker plays Albert Oehlen, an artist creating a painting. The film crosses formal boundaries and questions the meaning of the creative process and the struggle for authenticity at different levels. As the painter himself says, ‘Art must show its internal process of …
  • Everything That Will Happen Has Already Happened
    In a post-pandemic world, a young scholar and a nameless stranger explore love amidst urban desolation. Vladan Nikolic’s “Everything That Will Happen Has Already Happened” delves into hope and resilience in a post-COVID world. The film ce…
  • 电影动作
    金刚回到了自己曾经生活的地方,然而一切早已物是人非。这时,一起拐卖儿童的事件意外发生,金刚以一个局外人的身份开始寻找被拐的女孩,在这个过程中他的过往也依旧在纠缠着他…… 金刚将不得不面对自己最不愿意正视的伤痛……
  • Balatar az abrhaye asidi
    After the of premiere of his film Terrestrial Verses (co-directed by Alireza Khatami) in Cannes, Ali Asgari was banned from traveling by the Iranian authorities. But filmmakers like Asgari are not easily deterred from practicing their art, despite unceasing repressive government interference. At the beginning of Highe…