搜索 Thaddeus

  • A yearly event in which WWE wrestlers fight and try to throw each other out of the ring. The last wrestler goes to Wrestlemania.WWE's annual PPV featuring the iconic 30-man Royal Rumble match. This time, the stakes couldn't be higher as 30 superstars not only are vying for a guaranteed spot in the main event at Wrestle…
  • Jill Danvers has been suffering panic attacks and blackouts since her husband left her. After she is followed home by a man wearing a distorted mask, Jill's mind flips between fiction and reality. Will Jill continue her breakdown until it destroys her? Or will she make one final house call to redeem her sanity and conf…
  • 电影
    The crew of a local horror movie showcase is use to broadcasting creepy stories of heinous killers, 77mi.cc but tonight they are the story, trapped with a real killer among them.
  • 五个到处招摇撞骗的年轻人无意中闯入了恶魔的禁地,并在地狱世界参加了一场黑暗生存游戏:用一夜的时间换取无价珠宝!于是他们被带到了一个充满坟地的冥界地狱,然而,五个年轻人似乎把问题想的太简单了——这是一场赌上性命的比赛,在这里到处充满了致命的杀机。当人们意识到这一点时已经迟了,各种幽灵鬼怪朝他们席卷而来。如果想要赢得生存的…
  • Fourth-chair trombonist, Boyson Oates, bends to his father's will and quits the high school marching band.(from Imdb)
  • 电影伦理
    故事发生在1936年的英国伦敦,里奇(保罗·贝坦尼 Paul Bettany 饰)是一位拥有着大好前途的银行实业家。然而,事业上的成功却并不能弥补里奇婚姻中的缺憾,他和妻子玛德琳(奥莉维亚·威廉姆斯 Olivia Williams 饰)之间的关系早已经名存实亡。玛德琳的妹妹蒂娜(海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)要来家中小住,蒂娜是…
  • 影片展现在一个房间中,3个监狱外来的平民与来自戒备高度森严的四级牢房的犯人们接触,一起参加一个4天的心理治疗。过程中,每个人都必须深入挖掘自己的过去,他们逐渐走出内心的安全区域,彻底撕下自由人与囚犯彼此心灵之间的障碍和偏见,了解到他们的内心。这4天让囚犯们看到希望,也让来自监狱之外的人以不同的角度,真正了解自己的人生。
  • 单枪匹马第四季
    The body of elderly recluse Seamus Devlin is discovered dead in a field and the initial charge is to Ruairi, a troubled teenager, who is staying at a remote youth facility. Jack is forced to keep watch on him as he gathers evidence on the death. Meanwhile, a long-lost cousin Brian and his girlfriend Gemma opens up new …
  • 电视剧剧情
    本剧基于记者Justin Fenton的同名书籍创作,《火线》制片人David Simon和George Pelecanos共同打造。故事记述了巴尔的摩警察局枪支追踪特别工作组的起起伏伏,以及一个美国城市所遭遇的腐败和道德沦丧,在这个城市里,禁毒和大规模逮捕的政策是以牺牲实际警 察工作为代价的。rnrn