搜索 Thais

  • 电影恐怖
    珍妮(苏菲•玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)是居住在法国的一名美女作家,她和丈夫迪奥(Andrea Di Stefano 饰)共同经营一个幸福美满的四口之家。但是近一段时间,珍妮却感到令人难以承受的压力。客户的要求让她无法随心所欲写作,渐渐地珍妮发现周遭的一切开始发生变化,房间、丈夫、儿女甚至她自己的容貌都让人倍感陌生。珍妮的歇斯底里使家中的欢…
  • 电影恐怖
  • Carla, a postal worker in Havana, fulfills her romantic longings by opening letters and rewriting them into passionate prose before sending them out again to their intended recipients. After her co-worker Cesar catches her, Carla turns her amorous talents on him. But the dictatorial new postmaster and her overexcited a…
  • 本片雖然低成本卻創意十足,以不對嘴的配音搭上現場收音,拼湊出全新趣味。戲中的阿安既是變性人,又是國安特務,受命要變成男人,用HeHe攻勢色誘異見學生領袖阿哲。透過聲畫的合一與脫軌之間,寫一個人如何尋回屬於自己的聲音。科幻奇情與政治暗算,融合著連番幽默笑彈,表達出導演對泰國政治、性小眾和重拾真我的渴望,投放了一份深厚而真摰的…
  • 电影喜剧
  • 电影
  • 电影生活
    瓦尔(蕾吉娜·卡塞 Regina Casé 饰)是一名保姆,在法比尼奥(迈克尔·乔尔萨斯 Michel Joelsas 饰)家任职长达十三年之久,虽然稳定的工资令她的日子越过越好,但这也意味着,瓦尔已经十三年没有见过自己远在他乡的女儿杰西卡(卡米拉·马蒂拉 Camila Márdila 饰)了。杰西卡已经步入了青春期,正在准备她的升学考试,她前往母亲所在的圣保…
  • Ton and Jack are two students who're infamous for making video clips in which they challenge and even insult superstitious beliefs. As their viral clips rack up more and more views, they get carried away and become reckless: their plan is to kidnap Tor, bring him into a cemetery as revenge. Ton and Jack carry out their…
  • UnapologeticwithAishaTyler
    Talk-show hosted by Aisha Tyler discussing topical female-centric issues as a complement to the "Dietland" series.