- 新作 OVA《Re:从零开始的异世界生活 Memory Snow》中,昴等人顺利打倒诅咒的元凶的魔兽、并拯救村庄的小孩子们。就在和平终于到来之际,昴挑战了一项无人知晓、某项极秘任务……
- His theme is the criminal potential of our society, his heroes oscillate between business class and hopelessness. The film accompanies the Swiss bestselling author Martin Suter through his literary and private cosmos. Blurring the boundaries between fiction and documentary, the film allows Martin Suter to immerse himse…
- 警察阿尊因开枪误中途人,其后拿起枪便浑身颤抖,自此弃枪不用,凭矫健身手屡坡奇案.他捣毁一伪钞总部,取得伪钞电板,并四出搜集证据,伪钞集团主脑以尊前妻及儿子的性命换取电板,遵受枪伤,眼看自己的妻儿危在旦夕,畏枪心理能否克服……