- Despite a lifetime of adversity, a blind high school wrestler attempts to win a State Championship before the end of his senior year.
- 如今,我们的世界生机盎然,随处可见活着的生灵。那么请想象一下所有这些生命有95%在一瞬间遭到了毁灭。这不是虚构的故事,它确实发生过。就在3亿年前的二迭纪,地球上还是一片丰饶繁荣的景象,然而2亿5千万年前的一场神秘事件导致了95%的物种灭绝,称为二迭纪生物大灭绝。这个凶残的杀手究竟是谁?是剧烈的地质运动、气候灾变,还是来自外太空…
- One day, during her hated bath-time, Regla, nine, and her indulgent imaginary friend must confront the sudden arrival of her first period.
- Frost's efforts to join a gym and date Julie, the fitness instructor, are hampered by two suspicious deaths. The first concerns a man found dead on a waste tip with no identity beyond an empty wallet, seemingly a mugging victim. However his wife comes to report his disappearance and Frost, in following through, is intr…