- based on the graphic novel and animated series by legendary superhero creator Stan Lee (co-creator of Spider-Man, Iron Man, X-Men, The Avengers) comes his first Indian superhero, Chakra The Invincible. The theatrical live-action feature film will feature an older version of the character, Raju Rai as he creates a techn…
- A dark journey into a surreal world of bugs, machines and skeletons asking the question "Who's in Control?"
- Liam Neeson narrates an account of the Dublin Easter uprising of 1916 as seen through Irish eyes. Using archival narratives of the participants, together with contributions from academics from the US, Ireland and Britain, the film puts the uprising into the context of hundreds of years of Anglo-Irish history, reveals t…
- The producers introduce audiences to the characters and concepts of "Legends of Tomorrow", the upcoming spin-off of superhero series "Arrow" and "The Flash".
- EYE ON THE 60s is an authentic piece of American History… an intimate portrait of former LIFE photographer Rowland Scherman and how his photographic eye captured the essence of America's most remarkable decade. Experience candid recollecti…