搜索 Thein

  • 电影历史
  • 本和女友婷卡以及他们年幼的女儿辛迪住在荷兰的乡村。本在游乐场里与他人起了争执,醉酒开车回家时发生了车祸,女友不幸丧生,本也因此被捕入狱。当他出狱回到家时,婷卡的父亲拒绝让他见辛迪,而辛迪也因许久未见本而不能辨认出自己的爸爸。婷卡的姐姐黛比一直试图缓解父女俩尴尬的关系,本最终也如愿得到和女儿独处的机会,并悄悄带着女儿离开…
  • 电影
    Kevin and Jennifer McCoy, who pioneered the non-fungible token (NFT), return to Sundance (their installation Our Second Date showed at the 2006 festival) with The Inside World, a crowdsourced gameplay mystery-thriller using digital art NFTs. In this experimental fiction, delivered via digital art collectibles, Las Vega…
  • 茉莉·梦妮与神奇的催眠书MollyMoonandtheIncredibleBookofHypnotism
    影片根据英国童书作家Georgia Byng的作品改编,主人公莫莉梦妮是一个孤儿小女孩,偶然发现了一本催眠书,她学会了催眠他人,在后来的一系列书籍中,莫莉还掌握了其他能力,包括停止时间、时间旅行、阅读他人思想和变形。利用催眠术莫莉在一场纽约比赛中名声大噪,变成出名和富有。然而,另一伙人也盯上了那本催眠书,他们找我莫莉,胁迫她参与一…
  • 电影
    Café owner Kato discovers that his PC monitor shows what will happen two minutes in the future. Another screen downstairs in his café shows the past of two minutes ago. His friends decide to place the two mysterious devices opposite each o…
  • 电影
    A heartthrob musician must uncover a shameful secret when a vengeful spirit, the NAKED GHOST, picks off his music band members one by one.