- 在一个宁静的日子里,天之川高中“假面骑士部”的如月弦太朗(福士苍汰 饰)、歌星贤吾(高桥龙辉 饰)、城岛悠木(清水富美加 饰)正享受他们无忧无虑的校园生活。某天,他们突然被前外太空技术开发机构(OSTO)的继任组织OSTO Legacy本部长秘书白山静(木下亚由美 饰)召唤。原来两个Alicia开发的宇宙铁人地龙和天龙拥有自我意识,正抓紧研制…
- 多么晴朗的一天,游乐场内人声鼎沸,摩肩接踵,气球在空中飘扬,音乐会当在游乐场每一个角落。这一边,布鲁托(加斯•维基 Gus Wickie 配音)的广告雄赳赳气昂昂悬挂起来,他自称游乐场之王(King of the mardi gras),身体强壮,力大无比。 在他旁边有一个极其寒酸的小舞台,它属于大力水手卜派(杰克•梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音)…
- The Morning After is the fourth film from the london film collective since it was formed two years ago. It’s also the latest film from award-winning collective member Pj Harling.Written by John Ross, and starring Andrew Lee Potts, Lucia Gi…
- In the 16th Century an Ottoman Sultan known as the second Solomon ruled half the civilized world. The Turks called him Kanuni, the Lawgiver. To the Europeans, he was known as Süleyman the Magnificent. During his 46-year reign, the Ottoman Empire flourished and witnessed a golden age.A contemporary of Francis I of Franc…
- 繁华大都市的夜空下,宇宙海贼战队豪快者的船遭到身份不明飞船的袭击。队员们好不容易降落城市一角,发现袭击他们的乃传说中的宇宙刑警卡邦(大叶健二 饰)。原来豪快者被残虐帝国栽赃,遭到全宇宙范围的通缉。经过一番对决,豪快者全部被卡邦逮捕,抓到了宇宙警察总裁威霸路(佐野史郎 饰)的面前,面临处决。当然卡邦早已敏锐察觉威霸路的阴谋…