搜索 Theodor

  • 伴随着工业时代沉重而冷酷的轰鸣,旧时代的工厂粗暴地呈现在观众面前。这些庞大的怪物必然有过辉煌骄人的历史,全盛时期,它们满负荷运作,蓝天白云之下,肆无忌惮喷云吐雾;夜幕降临之时,灯火辉煌高歌不止。它们曾是国家最为基础的部分和国民经济的支柱,背景激昂振奋的配乐正是它们引以为傲的“拉德斯基进行曲”。成千上万的工人以其坚实的臂…
  • 电影战争
  • Wunder der Schöpfung is an extraordinary, fascinating Kulturfilm trying to explain the whole human knowledge of the 1920s about the world and the universe. 15 special effects experts and 9 cameramen were involved in the production of this …
  • 燈塔管理員埃金是個性孤僻的老頭,沒想到新來的助理布朗跟他趣味相投,他們都同樣討厭女人!關於女人,他們都有一段不為人知的傷心過往,兩人的內心都隱藏著愛情的傷痛,所以他們誓言不再接觸任何女人。直到有一天,鎮上來了一位年輕的美麗女子,陪伴她一起的是風姿綽約的貝斯肯太太,她們對他們來說是如此特別!是冤家還是真愛呢?當愛情來敲門…
  • A meta-film about a film and the common man in our own political reality. A reality that is just scenes of a film without any cinematic development, but which might be plain reality tomorrow.
  • 美国一个省级小镇就沃尔玛超市的扩张问题进行了公众咨询,并以16毫米黑白胶片的形式详细再现。
  • A film about iconic Swedish indie pop band Broder Daniel as they reunite during the summer 2008 before their last ever performance as a group. A concert held in honor of guitarist Anders who committed suicide earlier this year. It is a performance, and a portrait and a last goodbye from a band with more unconditional w…