- Written by Sylvie Gauthier, the story revolves around 34-year-old Karine who only has one man in her life: Ziggy, her 17-year-old son, who is now a trainee pastry chef. They’ve been through a lot together and have earned the right to be happy. Karine works nights in the company of her colleagues who are cleaning operat…
- Although their working environment is extremely conservative, some of the most prominent songwriters in the country music scene are gay women. Sadly, they realise all too well that a step into the spotlight for a solo career would equal professional suicide. With a special, particularly moving guest appearance by Linda…
- 故事发生在1916年的俄国,沙皇的灭亡让尚且还是婴孩的公主娜塔西娅和祖母朵瓦格流离失所,在兵荒马乱之中,两人失散了。一晃眼十年过去,曾经的公主已经出落成为了名为安雅的美丽女孩,而一直惦念孙女的朵瓦格则开始花重金寻找公主的下落。一次偶然中,骗子德米特遇见了安雅,并不知道安雅就是娜塔西娅公主的德米特决定让安雅假扮娜塔西娅,以骗…