搜索 Tiago

  • Aitana, Pierrick, Rita and Jorge are all in their twenties and all look for ways to make their nights in the city of Madrid a little less lonely. Set against a background of drugs, sex, multiple partners and different sexualities: four stories told without no borders between fiction and reality. First Feature Film.
  • 三个青梅竹马的玩伴玛丽娜、帕布罗和托马斯,他们是最好的朋友,一起组建了乐队,彼此无话不谈。当玛丽娜和帕布罗开始约会后,对帕布罗有着朦胧感觉的托马斯开始感到失落和失去方向感。他希望正在交往的两个死党之间能有一个属于他的位置...
  • Pablo是一位作家,却很久没有写专栏或出版书了。最近受电影制作人朋友之托,创作一个浪漫电影的剧本。电影一边讲述他如何按照俗套的环节编写剧本,一边讲述他生活中发生的变化。同居多时的女友,文学课上仰慕他的女学生,惺惺相惜的女作家...
  • 阿根廷青年导演马科·伯格(Marco Berger)与另外一位导演马塞洛·摩纳哥(Marcelo Mónaco)合作完成了《性的张力》短片集。合辑共6个故事,包括一个男子在纹身师加工自己的过程中感到满足、一对年轻人在热天午后的隐秘挑逗、直男死党示范如何跟妞做爱时的意外心动、健身哥们的裸照情结......等各种超乎想象的暧昧身体接触。马科·伯格曾经凭《…
  • Dark family secrets and vicious sibling rivalry threaten to ruin young Jaime's (Jan Cornet) life when his brother Alex (Pablo Rivero) returns home after serving a prison sentence for murder and demands a stake in the family business.
  • The residents of a soon to be demolished building have set up a temporary autonomous zone to declare war on a world where utopia and poetry have gone astray. They are a kind of Situationist urban guerilla, spending their days creating havoc at both a material and immaterial level. They recite, declare, discuss, perform…
  • 青年导演伊利娅•戈麦斯的处女作,以极具戏剧性和幽默感的方式描绘了当代拉美年轻人的真实生活。欢迎一起走进这个爆炸性的故事——处于社会边缘的4个朋友决定打劫一家影院。这部作品亦成为了近年来获奖最多的墨西哥长篇电影。2011年在圣丹斯国际电影节首映以来,曾在卡塔赫纳、瓜达拉哈拉以及圣塞巴斯蒂安等多个国际电影节上获奖。