搜索 Timi

  • Compilation of four short films about homoerotic situations involving young men. Tom DeCerchio directed "Nunzio's Second Cousin", telling the story of a gay cop who forces a gay-basher to come to his house and moxia.cc have dinner with his family. In "Alkali, Iowa", by Mark Christopher, a young gay …
  • 伊華.舒爾姆被尊為捷克新浪潮的「哲人」和「良心」,究其原因,是他敢於直視政治和社會、抨擊其虛偽蒙騙的道德執著。首部執導的劇情片開創新浪潮鞭撻現實的風氣。年青的模範工人向來奉行為黨為人民鞠躬盡粹的信念,可制度的高壓、特權階層的跋扈使他進退兩難,不肯放棄真理,代價是喪失一切。影片以寫實的新電影觀衝擊社會主義現實主義的教條,…
  • based on the life of the late adventure photographer Bruno P. Zehnder. An epic love story set in Antarctica. It chronicles Zehnder's struggles against the confines of normalacy and pursuing his artistic ambitions against impossible odds. It also explores Zehnder's romantic life and rise to fame as a world-renowned phot…
  • Viscerally experience a "year off" in Aspen, Colorado with a group of recent college grads who have elected to defer graduate school and career opportunities to ski, snow-board, climb, party, fall in love and basically live life to its absolute fullest out in this spectacular mountain town. Written by Anonymo…
  • 正所谓“少要沉稳老轻狂”,年届不惑的弗兰提斯克·汉那(Vlastimil Brodský 饰)越老越有活力,他不去理会老婆艾蜜莉(Stella Zázvorková 饰)辛苦存下棺材本钱的良苦用心,也懒得搭理那个不成器儿子糟糕的婚姻。弗兰不愿面对即将到来的死亡,只想尽情享受最后的时光。他和剧院的好友艾德(Stanislav Zindulka 饰)假扮各种身份…
  • 当人民的苦难不断加深之时,上帝将他的儿子耶稣(Enrique Irazoqui 饰)送到人间。受到感召,少女玛丽亚(Margherita Caruso 饰)以处子之身生下耶稣,并与未婚夫约瑟(Marcello Morante 饰)一同将其养大。耶稣如此钟爱世人,他通过各种神迹引导人们诚心向善,他的信徒和追随者越来越多。然而世界已然腐朽,贪婪残暴占据统治地位。那些忘掉廉耻…
  • 电影
    《好邮差》(The Good Postman) 导演:托尼斯拉夫·赫里斯托夫(Tonislav Hristov) 芬兰/保加利亚入围2017年圣丹斯电影节世界纪录片单元