- 在艾伦他们居住的帕拉迪岛之外,还存在一个其他人类居住的世界。当中一个国家「玛雷」与其他各国爆发战争。陷入苦战之际,他们决定要攻进帕拉迪岛,把「始祖的巨人」抢过来。在这里又看到另一群孩子们拼命求生存的身影……
- 不知曾几何时,世界各地出现了专门捕杀人类的巨人,可怕天敌的出现最终导致人类的文明衰落与倒推。为了阻止巨人无休止的捕猎,人类筑起三座高墙将自己保护起来,如是过去了一百年的时光。少年艾伦(三浦春马 饰)厌倦了被囚禁起来的日子,某天他怂恿伙伴三笠·阿克曼(水原希子 饰)和阿明·阿诺德(本乡奏多 饰)试图翻出围墙,谁知却见证了超…
- the story of Jaakko, a wheelchair-bound blind man, prisoner in his own home. A film buff, he has seen all films before loosing his sight, but not Titanic that he has kept unopened in his DVD collection. When his girlfriend - herself disabled and a fan of Titanic - tells him her health is declining, he sets out on a per…