- This extraordinary slice of macabre has its origins in Indonesia not only in that it was shot in Bali but also because the inspiration for the film is based entirely on indigenous folklore. This is a departure in itself as most horror films outside Hollywood (with a notable exception of the Japanese) are simply rehashe…
- Manny has moved to a new school, and it's not easy to fit in. After wishing he had more friends, Manny finds a mysterious collar and puts it on Rufus, the family dog. Suddenly, Rufus turns into a boy! Manny's not sure what to do, so he enrolls Rufus in school. When the other students notice Rufus's silly dog antics -- …
- Khao Chon Kai is a military training camp where Thai boys will face the challenge of the training during their senior year of high school. A group of boys meet at the camp and begin their training together, encountering many obstacles during the rigorous training regimines. Despite the hardships, they discover that fri…
- 剧版《超能陆战队》宣布将以一部1小时的电视电影打头阵,该片名为《大白归来》(Baymax Returns),将于11月20日开播!随后是两集剧版的预览集,会介绍很多剧集信息,也会上线一些短片。《超能陆战队》剧集正式开播,是在2018年初。《大白归来》讲述《超能陆战队》电影结局后,Hiro相信大白已经不会再回来,而他发现了哥哥Tadashi用来创造…