- based on true events, The Bay of Spies follows Franz Neumann, a young Nazi Abwehr officer, who discovers that his real father was Polish. Using this information to his advantage Franz becomes a spy for the Allies with the code name Got’ His task is to obtain information about the activities of the German Navy, the Krie…
- スペシャルドラマの舞台は東京・隅田川。暴走する屋形船に取り残された人々のため、チーフドクター・喜多見幸太率いるMERメンバーが東京消防庁の即応対処部隊とともに決死の救命作業に挑む。
- 《黑人小姐速写喜剧》于8月2日开播,由该剧主创兼制片人罗宾·西德、阿什利·妮可·布莱克、加布里埃尔·丹尼斯和昆塔·布朗森等黑人女性主演。《不安感》中的伊萨·雷是EP,偶尔客串。