- From sheltering in bunkers to travelling across Europe as refugees, TikTok has been appropriated to chronicle and explain the horror of the Ukraine war. Since the invasion of Ukraine began, TikTok has offered audiences intimate and startlingly direct glimpses of war. The conflict isn’t the first to play out on social m…
- 映画監督の河瀬直美さんが総監督を務めた東京オリンピック(五輪)の公式記録映画「東京2020オリンピック(仮)」が来年6月に公開される。配給の東宝が15日、発表した。 製作は国際オリンピック委員会、企画は大会組織委員会、制作は木下グループ。東宝は「2年にわたりカメラを回し続けた壮大な記録から、人類の未来が見えてくる」としている。…
- By day, Malika helps defend clients; by night, she becomes Diana Boss, battling with other rappers. In both roles, true to her convictions, she fights the same injustices that she herself is a victim of. To find her place in society, Malika must choose: Law or rap?
- Dissecting one of the most influential platforms of the contemporary social media landscape, TikTok, Boom. examines the algorithmic, socio-political, economic, and cultural influences and impact of the history-making app. This rigorous exploration balances a genuine interest in the TikTok community and its innovative m…
- Set in the urban metropolis of London, this film is an intimate portrait of a Danish-born dancer Toke Broni Strandby. The director NONO expertly visualizes the emotionally layered journey we endure to fulfill our dreams while exploring themes of identity, contemporary alienation, and acceptance. An inspiring story abou…