搜索 Tomek

  • A conceptual semi-abstract approach to what life is for any individual.Many Meccano humanoids are constantly running along their individual rail line. They go up and down, straight and around, passing others with whom they sometimes interact. At times, they willingly join another humanoid's rail and run together in har…
  • 这是一部非常“极品”的悬疑微电影,关于一个精神紧张的男人被藏在家里的神秘者彻吓坏胆的故事。
  • 朝圣者在日食之时来到神秘的大教堂门外。拄着手杖,他洞开可教堂的大门。教堂里充满诡异且压抑的气氛,两旁林立着枯槁的神像。神像的脸追随着朝圣者的步伐转动,朝圣者穿过神像,来到悬崖边上。这时日食过去,阳光透过林立的枯槁神像射向朝圣者。那光芒明亮耀眼,直刺向朝圣者的胸膛。
  • 被米洛斯福曼誉为「捷克新浪潮的精神领袖」,本片是导演佛柴克亚斯尼于1969年荣获坎城影展最佳导演的作品,故事背景横跨近20年,从1948年第二次世界大战结束后到1968年苏联入侵捷克为止。一个原本纯朴自然的农村,在战后好不容易欢欣鼓舞新生,却又被紧接而来的共产主义迅速赤化摧残,而原本乐天知命的村民也因此开始明争暗斗、尔虞我诈。这部发…
  • 女子逃離令人抑鬱的東歐,在漫無目的的旅程中巧遇在橋邊護欄上搖搖欲墜的男子,如同悠悠落下的腐蝕性酸雨,兩人在旅程中逐漸展開危險致命的情愫…。
  • Baths takes us into the murky waters of fantasy. With a cool kind of magic, this delicately stylized film draws us into various layers of reality, as we plunge from silent melancholia into the graphic frenzy of competitive sports, where everything is turned upside down. The notion of the flipside of reality is taken li…
  • 第二季将我们带回到虚构的宾夕法尼亚州比尔小镇。德尔·哈里斯(丹尼尔斯 饰)和格蕾丝·坡(蒂尔内 饰)在经历第一季的悲惨事件后试图重建自己的生活。讲述了一系列看似无关的谋杀案,背后隐藏着一个更大的阴谋,威胁着这个关系紧密的小镇上的每一个人。
  • Brazil 1839. Aninha Ribeira da Silva, called Anita, is a bubbly and passionate 18-year girl, who dreams to leave the small town where she lives. All of the girl's dreams, however, fade away when Manuel, an aged craftsman who lives nearby, asks her to marry him and her mother persuades her to accept so that she can help…