- 影片根据英国童书作家Georgia Byng的作品改编,主人公莫莉梦妮是一个孤儿小女孩,偶然发现了一本催眠书,她学会了催眠他人,在后来的一系列书籍中,莫莉还掌握了其他能力,包括停止时间、时间旅行、阅读他人思想和变形。利用催眠术莫莉在一场纽约比赛中名声大噪,变成出名和富有。然而,另一伙人也盯上了那本催眠书,他们找我莫莉,胁迫她参与一…
- 本片導演兼編劇潘壘,原為台北詩集主編,可謂文學導演,連他執導的電影,無論是文藝或武俠片,亦彷彿有一份詩意,這正是其個人風格。本武俠片的故事描述,南劍丁夢豪(魯平)號稱「天下第一劍」,江湖劍士多傷其劍下,但一日,丁竟敗於路過的怪道人煙桿下;為履行諾言,乃屈從怪道人苦修三年。期間,丁不勝其苦,雕山門前巨石,竟學成石工,實為…
- Follows an Overconfident female head of a household as she struggles to regain a higher status for herself and for her family of oddballs after losing her job and moving from the rich side to the poor side of a small town in Arkansas. To save money, they've moved into their inherited Victorian fixer-upper, the historic…