- 市場街邊,小販叫賣,鳳梨果香與書香相得益彰,最是滋味;蘭嶼離島,樹間貨櫃,留言本中藏有訪客心情,只待有心人來相見,回覆思念。鄉間小鎮有書店,素昧平生的人們輪流來駐店,店長日記寫自己的故事,也為客人留下記憶。書店可以是醫生夫婦經營的夢想,亦能是父母陪孩童自由成長的地方。全台二百多間獨立書店,容納與交流的不只是書,更是匯聚…
- “Carlo enjoyed pretending to be drunk, and I enjoyed filming him on our 8mm camera. The games we played were simple and naïve, which is what we were at the time.” The voice of Luca Verdone accompanies the first images of this sentimental j…
- Pellizza da Volpedo è un racconto biografico approfondito ed affascinante dedicato alla personalità e all’opera dell’artista piemontese che è stato uno dei più grandi pittori divisionisti. Grazie alla collaborazione con l’Associazione Pe…
- Two rival toy shop owners reluctantly join forces when an unscrupulous toy magnate opens a box store in their town.
- Jerusha Kali, on the eve of University graduation and her 21st birthday - has her genetic mutation kick in; this enables her to emit an abnormal electromagnetic field; stemming from her pineal gland, which is extremely powerful. She is able to manipulate space and time, and travel inter-dimensionally. She is the last s…
- An Italian submarine returns from a mission. The crew members look forward to reunite with their family, and to escape the promiscuity that causes tensions to run high amongst sailors. Shortly before reaching safe waters, disaster strikes: a squadron of enemy airplanes bombs the submarine, which sinks to the bottom of …
- Inspector Duff of Scotland Yard is called upon to investigate a murder amongst a group of tourists on an around-the-world cruise. Duff joins the cruise and learns certain facts about each of the suspects, but is himself shot. His friend, the famed Honolulu police detective Charlie Chan, comes aboard the vessel to take …