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  • A mentally disturbed car mechanic becomes convinced that if he eats enough human eyeballs he'll develop the ability to see into the future, so when customers bring their cars into his repair shop, he eats their eyeballs.
  • Set in the deep south,the film centers around an underground snuff ring that travels from town to town destroying all in its path. This time, it's up to the locals of Polk County to take matters into their own hands or become another pit stop.
  • An aspiring Indian tech entrepreneur in the Silicon Valley finds himself unexpectedly battling the bizarre American immigration system to keep his dream alive or prepare to return home forever.
  • Liverpool music from the post war years to the present day. Liverpool is one of the most vibrant cities in the world. The film puts into context the musical outpourings of nearly 60 years of world conquering music and the hundreds of bands who have contributed to a musical scene that produced the world's greatest band …
  • Eight-year-old Jesse lives in a twilight world of sadness and silence, squeezed into a tiny caravan with his grief stricken father. They're in limbo, existing more than living. The child intuitively understands that looking forward is harder than looking back, and that's where life happens. But they are stuck, until an…
  • 巴黎街头绿衣侦察兵正在查探敌情,不料城市上空风云变色,一架UFO惊现法国首都,这位天外来客不由分说化身拆迁大队,一路拆完凯旋门又直奔巴黎铁塔,市民见状皆作鸟兽乱散,昔日的繁华顷刻间化作瓦砾,地球军民殊死反抗却不能伤及对方分毫,或许人类文明难逃此劫……突然间,巨型橡皮糖从天而降,气氛变得更加怪异滑稽……
  • 电影生活
  • Twardowsky is heading to the border of the Solar System. After defeating Lucy (she-devil send to collect his soul) on the moon, he's running out of gas somewhere around Saturn. Devil send Lucy after Twardowsky again, to end what started on the moon. Will cunning Polish astronaut find a way from this mess and keep his p…