- D大调第九号交响曲由古斯塔夫·马勒于1909年至1910年间所作,此曲连同‘大地之歌’,成为第十套由马勒创作之交响曲。由于马勒未完成第十号交响曲便已与世长辞,故此首第九号交响曲,亦是马勒生前最后完成之交响曲。本曲于1912年6月26日由维也纳爱乐管弦乐团及布鲁诺·瓦尔特带领下作首演。当时马勒已经离世,因此亦没法亲临首演。本曲同时亦是马…
- In Rio de Janeiro, the reckless Flamengo fans Carlos and Beth Bombardeio are best friends. Beth leaves the house of her annoying mother and moves to the apartment of Carlos. They decide to travel to Bahia in Carlos's bike to camp in an isolated beach but when Carlos meets the hippie Angélica, Beth decides to return to …
- Dóris is a widow and keeps a small restaurant in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Two of her customers, the old friends Freitas and Otávio, fall in love with her, and start competing for her affection.