搜索 Tove

  • 电影
    The year is 1963. A women's liberation movement the size of today's #MeToo movement has been underway for a while, and it's rolling across the Western world like an avalanche. In a luxury flat in central Copenhagen we meet one of the period's biggest female writers, Tove Ditlevsen, accompanied by her husband, the sadis…
  • 关于菲律宾军队在朝鲜狮子岭战斗的真实故事
  • Join your host, Festering Frank, as he returns from the grave to bring you five more terrifying tales of blood soaked horror. Featuring gory graveyards, mutated mothers, psycho Santas and killer couples. Experience all this insanity and more in the horror anthology that will scare the soul right out of you. Watch frame…
  • Caroline likes to give blood because she is broke and it is easy money. Everything is great until one day the doctor injects her with a serum that gives her a need for blood. Caroline is slaugtering people with her new teeth until she falls in love with Lisa and doesn't want to drink her.
  • 电影家庭
  • 有沒有想過老字號爵士名曲〈Smoke Gets In Your Eyes〉也可以成為毛茸茸大白熊的主旋律?他在叢林間快意奔跑,在崇山峻嶺中奮力攀爬,他在雲海中迎接日出,在滿天星辰下生火取暖。最後,他泳渡滄海,穿越荒漠,他究竟要往哪裡去?難以言詮,卻保證讓你愛不釋手的可愛小品。
  • 在1970年代末的英国,面对着与工业化伴生的晦暗前景,风靡英伦的三和弦朋克正引领着反文化浪潮,性手枪和冲撞这样的乐队让人意识到,随便什么人拿起乐器都能变成摇滚明星,但在对传统乐器感到厌烦的Fad Gadget看来,合成器成了表达情绪的利器,而他的现场表演也越来越强烈、危险,他用电钻当做乐器,往自己身上涂焦油粘羽毛,还经常因为跳水而摔…