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  • 动漫动画
    做事沉稳可靠,深受小弟信赖的大哥山本健太郎(小野大辅 配音)、脾气有些火爆,总是行动比头脑先行的立花亮(日野聪 配音)和对黑道生活充满了憧憬渴望能够干出一番大事业的杉原和哉(兴津和幸 配音)是黑道内的铁三角,却因为在一场意外之中做了错事而即将遭到老大犬金组长(藤原启治 配音)的惩罚。犬金组长给了他们两个选择,一是以死谢罪,…
  • 电影动作
  • A man who figures out the hard way agoraphobia isn't his biggest problem.
  • 电影冒险
  • P is locked up with his 2 homeboys for multiple years, once they all get out after at least putting in 10 years, they get into the free world only to find out it's not that easy to make it on the straight path especially with murder on your record. So P, thought his brothers, Carlito and Tony are trying to help, he's n…
  • Inspector Duff of Scotland Yard is called upon to investigate a murder amongst a group of tourists on an around-the-world cruise. Duff joins the cruise and learns certain facts about each of the suspects, but is himself shot. His friend, the famed Honolulu police detective Charlie Chan, comes aboard the vessel to take …
  • 电影剧情